1. She will act differently around you depending on how confident she is. If she knows what she wants, she will be more agressive by talking to you more, staring you in the eye, touching you, and trying to be around you more. If she is the shy type, she will become quieter when you're around, laugh at your jokes more often, stare at you when your not looking, and overall just try to act cool around you while subtly flirting.
2. See if the girl acts nice to you and your friends, and if she laughs at your jokes often.
3. See if the girl squints at you when talking to you.
4. Watch if the girl stops conversations when you become in earshot. Also if she giggles a lot when you are around, she could like you.
5. Understand that some girls tease the guys they like; if she always has a snappy comeback for you and nobody else, or very few others, then she could like you.
6. If she starts to act differently or you catch her staring at you, she probably likes you.
7. If she lets you touch her, or tries to partner with you, it is a sure sign she is interested.
8. Consider if she seems to go out of her way to be around you.
9. Look her in the eyes, and see if she looks back at you. If she asks you why you were staring at her, its a sign that she doesnt really love you.
10. Try to note when shes talking to you, whether or not she is forgetful or notice.
11. See if she touches herself while looking at you. If she seems really turned on by something and you're the only one around, she probably likes something about you.
12. Some shyer girls might be too embarrassed to flirt with you. If this is the case, approach her yourself and try to build up her self-confidence with compliments. Don't get offended if she doesn't respond right away, she may be unsure of what to say.
13. If you catch the girl staring at you continuously, or glancing quickly up at you and looking away, she probably likes you but is too shy to speak her mind.
14. If she sees you staring at her and she turns around then she is probably shy and/or likes you.
15. If she starts spending a lot more time with you, or talking on the phone with you she's probably interested.
16. If she smiles at you when you see her and you don't really know her, this could be a sign she likes you (Always smile back)!
17. Both men and women may have what is called "Subconscious Mirroring". This means that she (and he too) will mirror your movements subconsciously while talking to you or just around you. (e.g, if you are sitting next to her in a school lecture, you cross your legs, and she does the same. You move your papers so that they are more on your kneecap then by your torso, she will rearange or reposition her papers in some way. You scratch your head, she twittles her hair.)
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