It might be hard to admit to a guy/girl that you are into them without giving too much away, and then they might take advantage. Well here is some ways you can prevent making a mistake and still be able to improve expressing you feelings
1. You might want to do this in person...try to keep your eye on the person you are talking to. If you are the nervous type and might stutter or get sweaty and don't know how to express yourself too well, you might want to write an instant message/text but DO NOT MAIL IT.
2. When you start to talk make sure you guys aren't arguing, let them know how you feel about them, now don't over do and act like they are the last thing in the world. Let them know what is going on and why is it that you feel that way about them. Now don't rush and try to get them to get into a relationship.
3. When you're done expressing yourself, don't ask "now how do you feel about me?" that is up to them if they are willing to let you know or not.
4. If they have nothing to say to how you feel, move on.
5. If they do let you know how they feel about you, but it is not the same way you feel about them, don't stress it and don't make the mistake to take it back. Eventually they may feel the same way and if they don't, again just move on.
* Do it when he or she is alone.
* Do it when he or she isn't busy.
* Do not just jump into that subject right away, wait awhile.
* Let them know that you guys need to talk.
* If he or she ignores the way you feel, too bad. Don't beg!
* Act like nothing happened if they ignore it, but yet act serious with them.
* Do not run away right after you tell them.
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