There are six clues that a woman is attracted to you. Here there are:
If you really want to know if she is interested in you, you need to check out her eyes. They tell the whole the story. It’s amazing that so many guys forget this, because deep down inside they all know it.
When a woman is truly interested, her eyes will be focused completely on you. You’ll be able to feel her attention. However, if she is not interested, her eyes will probably be scanning the room and the scenery.
Imagine if Michael Jordan was about to explain his biggest basketball secret to a 12 year old fan. How would the kid look at Jordan? Do you get the point?
Great eye contact will let you know if she likes you, and you’ll also want to look for dilated eyes, because they are a natural indicator and she has no control over it.
If the woman you are with seems to be nervous, there’s a good chance she is really interested in you.
Nervousness can come across in a variety of different ways, such as fidgeting, playing with her hair, or even biting on her lower lip. While many guys believe that her nervousness is bad sign, it can
actually be a “secret revealer” that exposes her interest level. Whenever people finds themselves in situations where they don’t want to screw up, there is a natural tendency to get nervous.
Nervousness is simply the emotional response associated with not knowing what to do + a fear of experiencing an undesirable outcome. For example, a woman may get nervous during a conversation with a new guy, because she doesn’t want to ruin her chances of getting the guy to ask for her phone number.
3.Opening up
If a woman starts to open up to you during the conversation, it’s a huge indicator that she could be interested.
After your first conversations go beyond the weather and other general topics, you’ll want to pay attention to “self-revealing” talk. If she begins to talk a bit about herself, particularly what type of woman she is, you’ll know that she is subtly trying to make herself more desirable in your eyes.
The next question becomes:
Why is she trying to make herself desirable to me? The answer is pretty obvious. People are incredibly predictable.
For example, if you were approached by a woman who was repulsive, ugly and fat, are you going to care about what she thinks about you? I’m assuming that you believe in being effective. People predictably desire to be effective at things.
Mirroring is another way that you can find out if a woman is interested in you. Usually, when a woman is interested in a man, she will subconsciously mimic the way he is standing or sitting, or mimic other body language as well.
If you see a woman that is mirroring your posture and your gestures, this is an instant clue that this woman is interested in you.
5.Smiles and Laughter
A woman that smiles at you and laughs with you is probably very interested in you and what you are saying, as well. Whether she shyly smiles as you are talking or she’s giggling at everything you are saying, this is a great way to tell that she is really interested.
If she never cracks a smile and looks unhappy and bored, she probably wants you to get lost.
6.Physical Contact
One way that you can quickly tell if a woman is interested in you is if she points to you with any part of her body.
If her face, or her shoulder, or even her leg is pointing to you, this is probably a good sign she is into you. If her body is pointing away from you, you’d better move on, because this woman can’t wait to get away.
If you can remember these 7 things, you’ll know without a doubt whether she likes you. Also I have no book to offer you. I have friends that continue begged me to write a dating guide because what I teach is totally different.
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