Crushes can turn up at any time and reduce you to a nervous wreck. Here's how to cope.
Crushes are addictive - they make life exciting, and give you hope and focus. This is why we let ourselves make the same mistakes over and over again, it is the thrill of the chase, except it is often more of a loiter!
The Symptoms:
- You love them yet you don't even know them;
- All you can think about is them and what if...;
- You've planned your whole future;
- You follow them round like a puppy on your lunch break;
- You go red whenever you see them;
- You lose the power of speech and co-ordination in their presence;
- Butterflies in your stomach;
- Pounding heart;
- You stammer/stutter something like "have you got the time?" at them;
- You imagine hours of conversations with them.
How to cope
Try not to tie yourself up in knots about this - you've set yourself up with a fantasy relationship, but that's all. The emotions feeding this fantasy can seem very real, but the advantage is you don't have to deal with the actual person. It's like a sexual encounter without the real-life hassles.
It is fairly unlikely to turn into reality as often crushes are formed on the unobtainable; they may be attached, a famous film star or totally unsuitable. You have to accept that this romance will never exist outside of your own head. Often, just confiding in someone you trust will help you get things in perspective.
If things get too intense try to limit your time spent in their company. In time, you'll get a grip on this fantasy, and see it as a learning experience about some powerful emotions. If anything, it'll work in your favour when it comes to dealing with real life, realistic relationships.
Unobtainable crushes can hurt like hell - the object of your affection may walk past like you don't even exist or, perhaps worse, notice your drooling and laugh about you with all their mates. If this happens, deal with the rejection - treat yourself, see your mates or curl up at home with a DVD of your choice.
On the practical side, try to fill the time you would otherwise spend thinking about your crush. Plan your day. Promise yourself some crush-free time, and set up a reward afterwards. Once you've defined the boundaries, a crush like this can be a positive experience. One that can set you up to deal with the emotional side of future, more realistic relationships.
great post. Have a great weekend.
hi Sweet friend thanks for stopping by. I hope you had a great weekend.
indeed, crushes are addictive and hard to resist.. interesting post, nice blog :)
Great article. Just make sure that crush doesn't kill you.
See you around.
Indeed,this is so true.Thanks for sharing.:)
Thanks for your visit!
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